
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Relief Society Birthday Cake 2013

The ladies at my church must have liked the birthday cakes I made last year, as I was asked to make the Relief Society birthday cake again this year. I chose a quilt theme because Relief Society was organized in 1842 when women made quilts for their homes. I love home made quilts and admire the talent and time it takes to make them. To me quilts represent hard work, patience, ingenuity,  resourcefulness comfort and love, which are some of the many attributes the Relief Society organization is known for.

I made a neapolitan cake with chocolate bottom layer, strawberry mousse and fresh strawberry's for the filling and a white cake top layer. The cake looked really cool when cut. I used buttercream and made the quilt and flowers out of marshmallow fondant . The emblem is a laminated computer printout (non edible). I originally envisioned the quilt looking rumpled on the cake but discovered as I laid it on the cake it was too heavy and needed to lay flat. I would have needed to create mounds on the cake ahead of time in order to have the rumpled look. I really like how the cake turned out with the corners falling off the cake. Cardboard was added under the quilt corners and tucked under the cake for support. I dashed the flower vines around the cake for a stitched look to tie into the quilt theme.

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