
Monday, April 22, 2013

Monkey Jungle Cake

This is my first post on my first blog. I feel the time has come to organize my cake pictures in one place for people to enjoy. This is my latest creation. I made this cake for a Boy Scout camp fundraiser auction. The winning bid - $75. 

Making and decorating cakes has been a hobby of mine since I was a little girl. I believe my interest in creating fun cakes started with my mother. She made cut-out cakes for our birthdays which fascinated me. She would create a bunny or rocket ship from cutting a round or rectangle cake into shapes, rearranging the piecing creating the desired shape. The cakes would then be frosted and decorated. My dad joined in the fun for a father daughter cake decorating contest. We made a Snoopy cake together which was lots of fun. We were both very proud of our cake. I was sure the pink castle cake would win, but our Snoopy cake came in First place! Dad also made some creative cakes with my brothers for their father son cub scout cake decorating contests. 

I repeated this tradition with my own children's birthday cakes. I then branched out with other styles of cakes as I learned new techniques and skills. I am continuing to have fun learning new ways to decorate cakes.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you have started this blog! It is a perfect way to share your cakes and your awesomeness!!
